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Ken Poorman (Navy)
Gender: Male
Marital Status: married
Birthday: 1942
Hometown: Castanea, Pennsylvania
Military Status: Veteran
Military Branch: Navy
Military Rank: E-4
About Me:
Boot Camp San Diego 1960; US Naval School of Music; COMCARDIV 4; CINCLANTFLT; cruises on USS Kitty Hawk, USS Forrestal, USS F. D. Roosevelt, USS Shangri La; Good Conduct, Navy Expeditionary & National Defense Service Medals
Boot Camp San Diego 1960; US Naval School of Music; COMCARDIV 4; CINCLANTFLT; cruises on USS Kitty Hawk, USS Forrestal, USS F. D. Roosevelt, USS Shangri La; Good Conduct, Navy Expeditionary & National Defense Service Medals
Ken's Assignment History
NTC Bainbridge MD Unit: USNR |
1963 | 1966 |
Commander Carrier Division Four (COMCARDIV 4) Unit: Unit Band #194 |
1961 | 1963 |
CINCLANTFLT NORVA Unit: Navy Band #85 |
1963 | 1963 |
US Naval Station Anacostia, Wash DC Unit: USN School of Music |
1960 | 1961 |
Fleet Training Center, San Diego Unit: Company #345 |
1960 | 1960 |
Ken's Salutes
1 - 3 out of 3
Tamie Towers said on 02/14/2012 at 03:17 am
I'll Go (A Soldiers Oath)
I would like to share with you, a music video dedicated to all soldiers called
I'll Go (A Soldiers Oath) by Kelly's Lot.
It is a tribute to the military, and to all veterans, and is well worth watching. Please feel free to share it anywhere you'd like.
Here's the link (this is not a download, simply a link to a YouTube video):
I'll Go (A Soldiers Oath) - Kelly's Lot - @ Cahuenga General Store
Or copy & paste the link below into your address bar:
Thank you for your time.
Hope you like the video,
Tamie L. Towers
P.S. My dear friend Kelly Zirbes of Kelly's Lot wrote and performed this song and has given permission for the video to be shared and/or embedded anywhere.
Ken Poorman said on 01/11/2009 at 08:31 pm
Visit KenPoorman.net
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